Before I participate in your giveaway, I will say "Happy birthday to you" although your birthday party is next month. But I should say it before I forget it. I hope all the success to be with you. Amin..
well, kali ini aku berpartisipasi untuk ikut giveaway dari kamu yah
salam kenal, namaku Zulfa, umur 24 th dari Tulungagung, Jawa Timur. I appreciate with you, because you can make giveaway for your folllower.
Etude House Precious Mineral Magic Any Cushion is very important in our make up case, is it right? Absolutely, yes. There are three different shades available..#1 Magic Pink for pale skin, #2 Magic Mint for covering redness, and #3Magic Peach for brightening
I choose number 2. Magic Mint. Why? because I still have redness because of acne. :'(
Here my photos with my redness
Ughhh..sebel memang punya wajah kaya aku gini. Terlebih lagi bulan depan ada acara wedding party teman...Oh my god....saya harus ekstra kerja keras untuk mengurangi redness nya, salah satunya dengan menggunakan Etude House Precious Mineral Magic Mint ini because it can cover redness...yyeeyeeye.....
So, in your 19th birthday party ini, aku pilih Etude House Precious Mineral Magic Mint ini, supaya bisa tampil PD pas acara ntar.
Once again, buat kalian semua yg mau ikutan giveaway dari Ade Kumala Putri, click image bellow..!!
Buat Ade, happy birthday ya, semoga tercapai segala impianmu, menjadi anak yang berbakti bwt kedua orang tua...Semangat....!!!
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